JSK TRADITIONAL GOJU RYU KARATE DO ASSOCIATION INDIA ABOUT KARATE-DO Karate is an excellent exercise. It is important for every age group especially for kids. It develops physical, mental energy, Self Control, Self-confidence & self defence in non violent way. Benefits of Karate training are? Perfection in self defence Development of hidden power (Chi) in our body & self confidence. Development of physical & mental energy. Development of self control & positive attitude. Development of healthy & discipline lifestyle. Aim of Karate Training: Because of today?s busy life schedule, we forget to take good care of our body & health that?s why we have to face depression, high blood pressure & other serious disease. Karate is an excellent exercise. It develops hidden power of our body & increases self confidence. It utilizes more that 90% of out body muscles, which keeps the body physically & mentally fit.
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