#809/A 10th main 5th cross BSK 3rd stage, #809/A 10th main 5th cross BSK 3rd stage, bangalore, Karnataka, IndiaHey, myself Arjun i have represented my state in Karnataka in national level in skating and kabbadi. i have an experience of 5 years of coaching exper...
Arjun MR
21, 1st cross priyadarshi layout , Kowdhanhalli , bangalore, Karnataka, IndiaGreat experience in speed skating and inline hockey. I Have 10 years of experience in skating field. Participated at national level competitio...
Veeranjaneyulu Yadla
85 Munikalappa Garde RS palya, No 85 Munikalappa Garden Kammanahalli , bangalore, Karnataka, IndiaI?m a sports coach working in a school and I have 12 years experience in sports ...
Edwin Franklin C
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